Tuesday, April 24, 2012

+ circle-loft spiral

random.random() #gives a float number between 0 and 1 to get random number between
#two numbers then multiply by the highest number you want

a = 5
points = []

for i in range(0,40):
    x = a * sin(pi/2*i) #to make it smaller then divide a*100/(i+1)
    y = a * cos(pi/2*i)
    z = i
divisions = 20
evaluationpoints = []

curve = rs.AddCurve(points)

rotatedcurves = []
numberofcurves = 2
for i in range(0,5): #put 5 curves inside of list and rotated

radius = 1

for j in range (0,len(rotatedcurves)):
    circles = []
    for i in range(divisions):
        parameter = i/ divisions
        evaluationparm = rs.CurveParameter(rotatedcurves[j], parameter)
        perpframe = rs.CurvePerpFrame(rotatedcurves[j],evaluationparm)
        rs.AddCircle(perpframe, radius)
        circles.append(rs.AddCircle(perpframe, radius+i/4))


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